Transformed Heart
“For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing.”
Romans 7:19
Can anyone relate? So often I find myself doing what comes natural-- habitual, even. Whether that be catching up on my favorite show, lounging on the couch, or cathartically sitting at home until I either get bored and turn something else on, or hungry enough to move to the fridge and pop a frozen meal in the microwave (who doesn’t love some good dino nuggets?). This eventually became my daily lifestyle. Although I knew that there was a better way of living, being, and even becoming, it didn’t make me stop. No sermon from the week, advice from parents, or counsel from my community could make me WANT to change and actually live differently. Yet I knew something needed to change., so I did what all Christians are told to do when they’re stuck and unsure of what to do; I prayed. I don’t remember what I said in the prayer, but I know that at the center of it was a desire for new desires and a heart to do what I longed for. I had all the head knowledge that I needed, I just needed my heart and mind to come into one accord.
I started by trying to make habits, because that’s what wise people do, right? Or so I had been told. But miraculously, it worked. It didn’t work because I was really good at sticking to things (which I’m not), or because I had the right set of habits (although this is important), but it worked because the Spirit of God was slowly and surely renewing me into becoming more like Christ. I was dying everyday. Shedding the clothes of egotism, self-reliance, and so much more for robes of royalty. New robes with the aroma of gentleness, patience, kindness, and humility to know that all the good in me wasn’t from me or even for me, but for the good of others and for the sake of building the kingdom of God. The Lord showed me just how much I had to learn and grow in and it was painful yet beautiful. God showed me where I fell short so that my whole heart, body, mind, and soul would be transformed for my joy, His glory, and for the sake of others. Even when I mess up, sin, don’t abide by what the Spirit is prompting and leading me towards, I know that grace is an ever present help that is made new for me every single morning that I rise. Not because God overlooks and doesn’t rightly judge sin accordingly, but because for those who have seen and believed in Him to be their everlasting source of life, they receive the same love that Jesus himself has experienced for all of eternity from the Father. We receive the royal decree of being seen as the beloved of God because the Spirit of God has adopted us, illuminated our hearts and minds, and shown us that God is infinitely more beautiful than everything on earth. More beautiful than the view from the top of Himalayas, more breathtaking than the first time seeing the aurora borealis (if you haven’t seen it, google it. You’re welcome), and more satisfying than the best meal you’ve ever had.
So Christian, I have a few questions/exhortations for you. Not to make you feel bad or like you’re less than, but to point you towards the joy your heart has longed for since your first breath.
If you’re stuck in a cycle you want out of, have you asked God to change your heart?
Do you have intentional times in your schedule where you can enjoy, rest, delight, and worship God?
If someone were to take stock of your week, what would they think is most important based on what you’ve prioritized in your calendar?
And lastly, do you think God is able to do things you pray for? Not just for others, but for you specifically.
My prayer is that these words and questions would lead you towards a vision of God that transforms the way you think, live, and enjoy the God who’s uniquely made you for Himself.
“Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”
1 Corinthians 10:31
God Bless.