Seeking the Face of God


As people made by God, we all have an innate want for more. More money to control our circumstances, higher status to have a semblance of importance, more relationships to feel loved and wanted. The cycle never ends; people go the entirety of their lives striving for more, never finding their fill. 

As those who apprentice under Christ, we often do our best to find our life in God but we fall under the same trap. We go to church longer hours to be noticed by others, we serve in certain roles that we see as more important, even the way we pray can be used as a tool to look impressive rather than to please God. But what does this cost us when we begin to travel on this well-worn and treacherous path? It will cost us intimacy with God. While the exterior parts of our faith may look alive and well put together, our inner life with God will be supremely malnourished. 

You and I will never go further with God than the amount of time we’ve spent caring for our inner life with Him. Allowing the deepest parts of us to connect with the deepest parts of God takes work. It involves finding the root of what our heart loves above God, asking others where they’ve seen us fall short in loving others well, and ultimately allowing God to speak into the places we hide from Him so that we can be whole disciples of Christ. The one thing I did not comment on is action, because God cares immensely more about who we are with Him than what we do for Him.

May you begin the venture of deep work with God so that the life you live for Him is sustainable for your soul. Abide in God and He will abide in you and provide you with all you need for a life of godliness and service unto Him. Here are some reflections to reflect on with your life with God.

  1. What do you think God thinks of you? Why? And where does this belief come from?

  2. What is the first word you think of when God comes to mind?

  3. Are you able to share your truest emotions with God without reservation? If not, begin slowly and with where you can.

  4. Do you truly believe God is good? Not just good, but good to you specifically?


Much of my life is spent trying harder, striving more, and reaching for the next thing on my never ending to do list thinking it will somehow bring depth and meaning into whatever I’m doing. But it ceases to do the very thing I want. So would you come near God? Remind me that the work I do is not what you seek, you desire a heart enamored and captured fully by your radiant love. A heart undone by you is a rare thing to see in a culture filled with fleeting pleasures, so I ask as best as I know how, would you satisfy our eternal desires with an eternal satisfaction God? I long to be a person of integrity and deep character, with your Spirit I know that this will happen, not in a single moment but over a lifetime spent in seeking your presence as the aim of my life. Thank you for this life Father, it’s to you that I pray, amen.


Is God Enough?


A Holy Awakening