A Mosaic of Beauty
My story with the local church has been one riddled with memories since the beginning of my childhood. My experience with the community of believers I’ve been surrounded with the past seven months will forever shape my life. From weekly lunches at prime restaurants in the city, setting up communion with a janky leg, seeing children uniquely cared for and loved within our services, to trying Korean shaved ice for the first time, it has been one of the greatest joys from God.
It was a gift to experience the rich theology shared week in and week out on the pulpit from preachers who live out what they teach, Bible studies that enamored the mind with gospel truth meant to enrich the way we viewed and talked about God, kindness within the pews from other members who welcomed me with open arms, lunches with friends, and pastors who loved me well. All of my years within local churches have been gifts from God, but this may be my favorite yet.
I’m leaving this wonderful community because of an opportunity to go serve in vocational ministry training at another church and wanted to commemorate our time together in the best way I know how, through the written word. To Mosaic Church, may these words encourage your heart, nourish your soul, and shine a light onto the ways in which God has been at move within your midst. Blessings.
The past few years of theological exploration has left me in a place of bewilderment. I’ve found safety and warmth within the arms of God through the liturgical practices. My first experience was through a book the Anglican Church uses, named ‘The Book of Common Prayer,’ where each day is filled with scripture readings, timed prayers, and recitation of the historic creeds (it’s way more fun than it sounds).
In the middle of constant change, life events on seemingly every corner, liturgy was exactly the kind of rest my soul desperately needed. Upon entering the doors of Mosaic, my heart began to shine. The first Sunday I was welcomed with Scripture-reading by a member of the congregation, communion, and a benediction to end the service. With each passing week the activities weren’t just things I happened to do every Sunday, they became rhythms that reoriented me towards the scriptures and their integration into my lived experience with God. My soul was truly content.
Liturgy isn’t the only path towards joy and peace with God, but it is an element that Christians throughout history have utilized for thousands of years. The things we do on a routine basis are the very things that will form who we become. Waking up in the morning and picking up the phone scrolling social media may cause anxious thoughts through the day, midday prayers during lunch will encourage the soul to yearn for God in the ordinary moments of life, binging Netflix for hours on end after work may cause a life that is lived without thought rather than a life dependent on the Spirit of God’s prompting. No matter where we live, how old we are, or the experiences we’ve had in life, the things we do on a habitual basis will shape our soul.
During the start of every sermon at Mosaic, there is a Scripture read before the congregation followed by a warm, “Thanks be to God.” This tradition isn’t unique to this specific church or even one singular denomination, but it does set a precedent. The public reading of Scripture reminds us that God has spoken, is speaking, and will continue to speak for all of eternity and that we should be glad in that because God has not left us without His counsel or instruction.
Following the public reading of Scripture is a sermon by one of the pastors/elders of the church. Two things are sure to be found within every sermon preached at Mosaic: explanation of the scriptures at hand and presentation of the good news of the Gospel. This model of preaching was a delight because it enabled me to be a student of the Scriptures under someone with greater understanding while also being drawn back to the primary emphasis of the Bible, salvation unto God. Does this mean I left every Sunday feeling illuminated and inspired? No. But it did mean that slowly yet surely over time my knowledge and understanding of God would grow because “…His word does not return void.” (Isa 55:11)
The implication of knowing God and understanding His word meant that my feet had to be put on the ground to make the Gospel-preached a lived reality, rather than a thrown up set of propositions to believe. The stories of what this looked like in our community are endless but here some just to name a few. A weekly group of people would go to a university in the area and get to know the students while sharing the Gospel with them, financial backing of missionaries traveling overseas, support of pregnancy centers by volunteering on a weekly basis, or prayer meetings with the sole intention of praying for the nations and for God to move mightily in those prayed-for countries. Scripture's call to reach and evangelize to the lost was truly being put on display and it was beautiful.
Above all else, thank you, Mosaic Church. Thank you for showing me and countless others what a local church could look like when its people truly care for one another, the elders submit to the authority of Scripture, and the presence of God is sought after wholeheartedly. My faith has been strengthened, my soul has been nourished, my care for others has grown, and my belief in the local church is as strong as it ever has been. May God continue to be glorified for the rest of your days as you continue to share the Gospel to every square inch of Richardson. God bless, friends.
God, thank You for the people of Mosaic Church in Richardson. May the people of Mosaic continue to be a place that seeks out the welfare of their neighbor, a community that loves its neighbors well, and openly shares the Gospel with those that surround them. May the elders of Mosaic continue to be men of integrity, faith, hope, and love above all else while serving your people. Though the time spent with this church has been short, may their effect on my path with you be long lasting. God, thank You again for the Mosaic Church and may their best days be ahead of them. Blessings.